The UF CARE Seventh Annual Symposium took place Monday, April 15, 2019. Thank you to everyone who participated for making this year an overwhelming success with our largest attendance yet: Over 140 registrants, 62 posters, 9 guest speakers, and a poster competition. Read more coverage at the UF McKnight Brain Institute site.
A special thank you to our keynote speakers Dr. Brigitte Kieffer, Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh, and Sheriff Dennis Lemma; and our regional collaborators from Florida State University (Drs. Mohamed Kabbaj & Jeanette Taylor), University of Central Florida (Drs. Michael Dunn & Robert Dvorak), and University of South Florida (Drs. Mark Goldman & Robert Schlauch) who contributed to our timely topics roundtables.
See photos below from the day’s events. Please send us any photos you have to