Dr. Robert F. Leeman awarded Mary F. Lane Endowed Professorship


UF CARE Executive Committee Member Dr. Robert F. Leeman was awarded the Mary F. Lane Endowed Professorship at the Health and Human Performance (HHP) Spring Awards Banquet. Ms. Lane, who is a HHP / Department of Health Education & Behavior (HEB) Alumuna, with her husband Chip Lane, established the endowed professorship in Mary’s name to help recruit or retain an outstanding behavioral scientist who has a distinguished research program that addresses health behavior problems common among younger adults, adolescents or children and that contributes knowledge relevant to prevention and modification of health-related behavioral risk factors. Dr. Leeman’s scholarly work on understanding and preventing substance misuse and risky sexual practices among young adults exemplifies these objectives, and he is richly deserving of being named the first Mary F. Lane Endowed Professor at the University of Florida.