UF CARE Seminar: 2021 Fall DataBlitz

UF CARE 2021 Fall DataBlitz

Join us 3:00 PM, November 17, 2021 as the UF CARE Fall 2021 Travel Awardees provide 5-minute presentations of their abstracts they will be presenting at national/international meetings.

(Zoom) https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97595203085?pwd=Zk1ab2ZuR1J4a1hSUnRaaC9GbWFmQT09


Dr. Mojdeh Faraji, Amy Alleyne, Wonn Pyon, Sabrina Zequeira will virtually present at the Neuroscience 2021 conference.

Dr. Katherine Wright, Natalie Johnson, Courtney Wilkinson, Cassandra Modrak will present the 2022 Winter Conference of Brain Research conference in Snowmass, Colorado.

Neo Gebru will present at The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico.