Given the intent of these awards: APPLICATIONS FOR THIS AWARD ARE DUE OCT. 25.
These awards will be one time competitive awards for up to $750. The award can be used ONLY to replenish research resources lost directly as a consequence of the research “shut-down”. A partial list of acceptable requests include expired solutions/reagent and re-establishing animal colonies. These funds are not available to initiate new projects, absorb costs already accounted for, or to support new components within a project. They are available to help Affiliate Members recover losses. The total number of awards is yet to be determined. Requests will be reviewed by the UF CARE Executive Committee. If a mentor sits on the committee, he/she will be recused and replaced by another UF CARE faculty member.
Funds will be provided as reimbursements with vendor receipt, or similar invoice, to the appropriate academic department. Direct disbursement to the Affiliate Member or faculty member will not be made. Fund distribution will be handled by Bobbi Reynolds in the Department of Psychiatry.
The deadline for this award was 10/25/2020 - Thank you for your interest.