11th Annual Symposium
4/8/2024 – Topic: “Novel Methodologies in Addiction Science”
- Dr. Clinton P. Davis-Stober, Professor, Department of Psychological Science, University of Missouri
- Dr. James M. Otis, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Medical University of South Carolina
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Amanda Elton, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine – “Early Life Stress and Addiction Vulnerability” – 1/17/2024
Dr. Donita Robinson, Professor and Education and Outreach Director, Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies; Assistant Dean for Graduate Education, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill – “Adolescent ethanol exposure reduces behavioral flexibility via neuroadaptations in frontolimbic circuits” – 2/21/2024
Dr. Nelly Alia-Klein, Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Co-Chief of the Neuropsychoimaging of Addiction and Related Conditions (NARC) Research Program, Mount Sinai School of Medicine – “Heroin addiction and recovery – from brain to behavior in humans” – 3/20/2024
Spring Travel Awardee Data Blitz – 5/15/2024:
- Cristiana Araujo, “Experiences of Healthcare Professionals Participating in a Professional Health Monitoring Program: A Thematic Analysis.”
- Harrison Louis Blount
- Alex Clement, “#SoberTok: Content Analysis of TikTok “Top Videos” for #alcohol and Other Alcohol-Related Terms.”
- Katherine Driver, “Behavioral economic analysis of oxycodone-THC co-use in a rat model.”
- Hugh Farrior, “Pain and Treatment Dropout in AUD.”
- Natalie Johnson, “Sniffing is Initiated by Dopamine’s Actions on Ventral Striatum Neurons.”
- Cassidy Jones-Goucher, “The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and prefrontal cortex in relapse to cocaine-seeking in a voluntary abstinence model.”
- Elena Kalina, “Within-Person EMA Reactivity to Alcohol and Sexual Assault Protective Behavioral Strategies among First Semester College Women.”
- Apollonia Lysandrou, “A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Dropout from Residential Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder.”
- Abigail Masterson, “Sexual Activity and Sexual Well-Being among Sober Adults: The Role of Felt Sobriety Stigma.”
- Andrew Moore, “Impact of Pre-Adolescent Substance Familiarity on Subsequent Adolescent Use.”
- Samantha Rakela, “FosTRAP for targeting stress-sensitive neuronal ensembles in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex.”
- Vijaya Seegulam, “Examining the Associations of Social Determinants of Health on Lifetime Non-Medical Prescription Opioid Use among Older Adults.”
Dr. Marcelo Febo, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine – “Neuroimaging in animal models of drug use: brief overview and what may lie ahead” – 9/18/2024
Dr. Freddyson Martinez-Rivera, Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, College of Medicine – “Cellular and transcriptional correlates of drug-associated memories in the nucleus accumbens” – 10/16/2024
10th Annual Symposium
4/17/2023 – Topic: “Biopsychosocial Variables Differentiating Resiliency in Adolescent Substance Use”
- Dr. Shannon Gourley, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric, School of Medicine, Emory University – “To switch or to stay? Integrated systems for modifying our routines, and how they are disrupted by addictive drugs”
- Dr. Bonnie Nagel, Professor of Psychiatry, Division of Clinical Psychology, School of Medicine, Oregon Health Science University – “Adolescent Alcohol Use – Markers of Risk and Consequences of Use”
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Yarimar Carrasquillo, Investigator, Behavioral, Neurocircuitry and Cellular Plasticity Section, NCCIH, NIH – “Mechanisms for Pain Modulation in the Amygdala” – 1/18/2023
Dr. Melissa Mercincavage, Department of Psychiatry at the Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania – “Experimental Approaches to Evaluate effects of Potential Tobacco Product Regulation” – 2/15/2023
Dr. Liana Hone, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Education and Behavior, College of Health and Human Performance – “Systematic and Scoping Reviews of Interventions for College Students’ Alcohol Use, Cannabis Use, and Sexual Consequences” – 3/22/2023
Spring Travel Awardee Data Blitz – 6/14/2023:
- Anamaria Cotelo, “Organization of Midbrain Dopaminergic Input to the Tubular Striatum.”
- Alyssa M. Falise, “Comparison of DSM-5 Criteria Networks in Younger vs. Middle and Older Adults with Past 12-Month Non-Medical Use of Prescription Pain Relievers.”
- Hugh Farrior, “Pain and Readmission to Treatment.”
- Nicole Fitzgerald, “Prevalence and correlates of self-reported novel psychoactive substance use among adults in 17 US cities, 2021-2023: Results from the National Drug Early Warning System (NDEWS) Surveillance.”
- Christian Garcia, “Characterizing Race Differences in Emotional Face Processing & Interpersonal Distress among Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD).”
- Emely Gazarov, “Effects of Cannabis Smoke Exposure in Young and Aged Mice.”
- Adithya Gopinath, “Methamphetamine induces a low-DAT expressing immunophenotype, without altering total numbers of peripheral immune cells.”
- Elena Kalina, “Assessing Protective Behavioral Strategy Reactivity to an Ecological Momentary Assessment Protocol: Implications for Prevention.”
- Abigail Masterson, “Sociosexuality Predicts Intoxicated & Unprotected Sex: Prospective & Cross-Sectional Tests.”
- Andrew Moore, “Differential Impact of Early Drinking Milestones on Treatment Recidivism.”
- Victor J. Schneider, “Time Spent Gazing at a Virtual Bargoer is Associated with Drinking Topography in a Virtual Bar Environment.”
- Bo Sortman, “Prelimbic ensembles mediate cocaine seeking after acquisition and once rats are well-trained.”
- Courtney Wilkinson, “Sex-specific effects of predator scent stress on oxycodone self-administration.”
- Sabrina Zequeira, “Effects of Cannabis on Cognition in Aging.”
Dr. Scott E. Parnell, Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, University of North Carolina – “Modifying Outcomes of Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Cannabinoids” – 10/18/2023
Dr. Ben Lewis, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine – “Understanding pain as a barrier to recovery from substance use disorders” – 11/15/2023
9th Annual Symposium
4/4/2022 – Topic: “Nicotine: Beyond the Cigarette”
- Dr. Marina Picciotto, Professor of Psychiatry and Professor in the Child Study Center; Deputy Chair for Basic Science Research, Yale Department of Psychiatry
- Dr. Suzanne Colby, Research Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior; Research Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Brown University
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Harriet De Wit, Professor, University of Chicago, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences – “Challenges in Conducting Translational Research in Addiction” – 2/16/2022
Dr. David Belin, Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge – “The Psychological and Neural Basis of Incentive Habits: Relevance for the Understanding of Addiction.”” – 3/23/2022
Spring Travel Awardee Data Blitz – 6/1/2022:
- Alyssa Falise, “Concurrent Sleep-Motivated Non-Medical Use of Prescriptions & Substance Use: A Latent Class Analysis.”
- Hugh Farrior, “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms as a Predictor of Substance Use Treatment Outcomes.”
- Erin Ferguson, “Experimental Study of the Effect of Experimentally-Induced Musculoskeletal Pain on Demand for Alcohol and Cannabis.”
- Adithya Gopinath, “TNF-alpha modulates methamphetamine-stimulation of dopamine neurons via a dopamine transporter-dependent mechanism.”
- Christian C. Garcia, “Telescoping revisited: Race, sex, and family history status.”
- Carolin Hoeflich, “Major Depressive Episodes among U.S. Adults who use Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa): Concurrent Substance Use Patterns and Sociodemographic Differences.”
- Andrew Moore, “Effects of Chronic Drinking on Neurophysiological Characteristics of Emotional Face Processing.”
- Samantha Rakela, “Acquisition latency in cocaine self-administration task predicts later locomotor sensitivity to cocaine in male rats.”
- Dr. Jillian Rung, “Does Delay Discounting Predict Alcohol Consumption in a Human Laboratory Model of Impaired Control?”
- Bo Sortman, “Prelimbic neuronal ensembles mediate cocaine seeking after acquisition in male and female rats.”
- Bailee Wilson, “Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity of a Modified System Usability Scale for Alcohol-Related Technology among Young Adults who Drink Heavily.”
- Sabrina Zequeira, “Chronic effects of cannabis on cognition in aging.”
Dr. Niall Murphy, Research Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics Research, College of Dentistry – “Non-Addictive Painkillers: Reality or Fantasy?” – 9/21/2022
*Inaugural Legacy Lecture* Dr. Rueben Gonzales, Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, The University at Austin Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy – “Neuropharmacology on the 30th Parallel: From Principal Investigator to Team Science and Beyond” – 10/12/2022
Dr. Ellen Yeung, Assistant Professor Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences The George Washington University – “Comorbidity of Alcohol Use Disorder and Pain” – 11/16/2022
8th Annual Symposium
4/20/2021 – Topic: “Risk/Resiliency & Recovery”
- Dr. Charles Chavkin, Allan and Phyllis Treuer Endowed Chair of Pain Research and Professor of Pharmacology, University of Washington School of Medicine
- Dr. Anna Rose Childress, Director, Brain-Behavioral Vulnerabilities Division; Center for Studies on Addiction, Department of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Brandon Warren, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacodynamics – “The role of neuronal ensembles in the initiation and maintenance of cocaine seeking” – 1/11/2021
Dr. Bethany Stennett, Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Pharmacodynamics – “Determining the Effects of Acute Alcohol on Regional Neural Dynamics and Pain” – 2/17/2021
Dr. Nikhil Urs, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics – “Role of Cortical Catecholamines and the Norepinephrine Transporter in Motivated Behavior” – 9/11/2021
Dr. Nichole Scaglione, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Education & Behavior – “What women want: An event-level assessment of alcohol’s role in sexual decision making in first-year college women” – 10/20/2021
Fall Travel Awardee Data Blitz – 11/3/2021:
- Amy Alleyne, “Sigma-1 ligands modulate methamphetamine sensitization and reward circuitry.”
- Dr. Mojdeh Faraji, “Effects of reproductive experience on cost-benefit decision making in females.”
- Neo Gebru, “Substance Use and Adherence to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Men Who Have Sex with Men: A Systematic Review.”
- Natalie Johnson, “Dopaminergic systems of the ventral striatum’s tubular striatum and appetitive responses to electronic cigarette vapor.”
- Cassandra Modrak, “Evaluating the role of mGlu3 receptors in post-methamphetamine motivational and cognitive deficits.”
- Wonn Pyon, “Temporally-specific inhibition of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons during decision making under risk of punishment.”
- Courtney Wilkinson, “Oxytocin attenuates alcohol consumption in a rat model of oxycodone + alcohol polysubstance use.”
- Dr. Katherine Wright, “Local synthesis of estrogen in the ventral striatum’s tubular striatum regulates the appetitive nature of stimuli.”
- Sabrina Zequeira, “Acute effects of cannabis on cognition in aging.”
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Jian Feng, Assistant Professor of Biological Science & Neuroscience, Florida State University – Special UF CARE/MBI Seminar “DNA methylcytosine oxidation in addiction” – 2/6/2020
Dr. Kelly Cue Davis, Associate Professor, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Arizona State University – Special UF CARE/SHARC Seminar “Coercive Condom Use Resistance: An Understudied Behavior in the Alcohol, Sexual Risk, and Sexual Violence Nexus” – 2/19/2020
Dissertation Award Grant Winners Seminar- 4/20/2020:
- Ms. Erin Ferguson, “Impact of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness on Demand for Alcohol and Marijuana Among Co-Users”
- Ms. Carly Logan, “Regulators of Nucleus Accumbens Core Glutamate Efflux and the Reinstatement of Cocaine-seeking”
Dr. Joy Gabrielli, Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology – “Media Parenting to Prevent Youth Substance Use Initiation and Progression” – 6/18/2020
Dr. Robert Dvorak, Associate Professor, University of Central Florida, Department of Psychology – “Examining Momentary and Daily Indices of Emotion and Motivation as Predictors of Drinking-Related Outcomes” – 7/8/2020
Dr. Karen Szumlinski, Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara – “Kinase interest you in treating cocaine addiction?”– 7/22/2020
Dr. Catalina Lopez-Quintero, Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology – “Disparities in Drug Use Patterns and Transitions in the United States” – 9/16/2020
7th Annual Symposium
4/15/2019 – Topic: “Opioids and the Brain: Mechanisms and Impact”
- Dr. Brigitte Kieffer, Scientific Director, Douglas Research center, Professor of Psychiatry, McGill University – “Opioid Receptors and Brain Function”
- Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School – “Stress and Anxiety in Opioid Use Disorder”
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Larry Toll, Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, Florida Atlantic University – “NOP – Not OPiate Receptors” – 1/16/2019
Dr. Nancy Barnett, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brown University – “Direct and Indirect Effects of a Brief Alcohol Intervention in a Complete Social Network” – 2/20/2019
- Dr. Caitlin Orsini – “Sex Differences in the Relationship Between Risk Taking and Cocaine Self-Administration”
- Dr. Jeff Boissoneault – “Improving Understanding of Alcohol/Pain Interactions”
- Dr. Brandon Warren – “Neuronal Ensembles in Cocaine Seeking”
- Dr. Ali M. Yurasek – “Behavioral Economic Applications to Cannabis use Among Young Adults and Adolescents”
Dr. Patrick Mulholland, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Medical University of South Carolina – “Heavy Alcohol Drinking and Intrinsic Excitability” – 5/15/2019
Data Blitz #1* – 6/12/2019:
- Ms. Yiyang Liu, “Past 30-day oral and non-oral prescription stimulant use and associated risk factors among youth 10 to 18 years of age”
- Mr. John Lee, “Parent, peer, and media advertisement influences on electronic cigarette use among adolescents in the United States”
- Ms. Tessa Frohe, “Mindfulness and impaired control over alcohol use among young adults”
- Ms. Carly Logan, “mGlu2/3 receptor function is necessary for ceftriaxone to attenuate reinstatement of cocaine-seeking”
- Mr. Benjamin Berey, “Relationships among facets of impulsivity, risk taking, impaired control, and alcohol-related problems in young adult heavy drinkers”
- Mr. Christian Garcia, “Investigating Race Differences in Emotional Face Processing among Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder”
- Dr. Samuel Obeng, Postdoctoral Associate, “The Sigma1 Receptor Antagonist CM304 Specifically Enhances the Antinociceptive Effects of the Cannabinoid CB1 agonists, but not Mu-Opioid Receptor Agonists in Mice”
- Ms. Julianne Price, “The Role of Emotionality in Attending to and Ignoring Facial Stimuli in Alcohol Use Disorder”
Dr. Dan Wesson, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics – “New Considerations for the Striatal Motivate Behavior” – 9/18/2019
Dr. Mary Kay Lobo, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine – “Molecular and circuit mechanisms of disructiped motivation” – 11/20/2019
6th Annual Symposium
- Dr. R. Adron Harris, Professor of Neurobiology and Waggoner Chair in Cellular and Molecular Biology, The University of Texas at Austin – “The Role of Neuroimmune Signaling in Alcohol’s Actions”
- Dr. Lara Ray, Professor of Clinical Psychology & Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of California at Los Angeles – “Clinical Neuroscience of Addiction: Translating Insights from Animals to Humans”
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Sachin Patel, James G. Blakemore Chair and Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center – “Translational Implications of Endocannabinoids as Homeostatic Signals Counteracting Stress” – 1/24/2018
Mr. Benjamin Berey, “Relationships Between Facets of Impulsivity and Subjective Response with Ramifications for Alcohol Outcomes” – 2/21/2018
Dr. Habibeh Khoshbouei, “Methamphetamine regulates dopamine transmission via an intracellular mechanism” – 3/21/2018
Dr. Caitlin Orsini, “Neurobiological and Hormonal Regulation of Risky Decision Making” – 5/16/2018
Data Blitz – 6/6/2018:
- Ms. Tessa Frohe, “Trauma and Mindfulness: Strong Associations with Impaired Control over Alcohol Use and Alcohol-related Problems among Young Adults”
- Ms. Carly Logan, “Ceftriaxone Increases Surface Mglu2 Expression in Male and Female Rats”
- Mr. Ben Berey, “Relationships between Generalized Impulsivity and Subjective Stimulant and Sedative Responses Following Alcohol Administration”
- Ms. Shelby Blaes, “Effects of Acute Exposure to Cannabis Smoke on Working Memory Performance”
- Ms. Ricarda Pritschmann, “Soft Commitment as a Mechanism to Prevent Preference Reversals”
- Mr. Phillip Mackie, “The Dopamine Transporter Functions in Human Immunity”
- Ms. Julianne Price, “Individuals with AUD Show Greater Rates of Improvement than Controls in Identifying Anger: A Growth Curve Analysis”
- Ms. Christina Gobin, “Evaluating the Role of Mglu5 in Post-Cocaine Cognitive Deficits and Drug Seeking”
- Ms. Amy Elliott, “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Referral to Substance Use Disorder Screening Among Justice-Involved Children”
- Mr. Joe Dragone, “Adolescent Exposure to THC Alters Mean Diffusivity in Adult Rat Brain Regions Associated With Learning and Emotion”
Summer Activities Report – 8/22/2018:
- Ms. Yasmin Padovan-Hernadez, “DREADDs work! A pilot study investigating the role of inhibiting the PFC-NAC pathway in cocaine-induced locomotion”
- Mr. Andres Mendoza, “Outcomes associated with Individual and Co-use of Cannabis and Opioids within NESARC”
- Mr. Sam Sowell, “Effects of binge ethanol intake on conditioned social preference in male and female mice”
- Ms. Jaime Cardascia, “Driving After Marijuana Use Among College Students”
- Ms. Yuma Ortiz, “Pharmacological Characterization of Mitragynine, the Primary Constituent in Kratom, as a Potential Medication for Opioid Dependence”
- Ms. Angela Grimberg, “Relationships between Facets of Impulsivity and Subjective Response with Ramifications for Alcohol Outcomes”
- Mr. Andrew Fiore, “Requested compensation to cease marijuana or alcohol use for medical research”
Dr. Ali Yurasek, “Using Behavioral Economic Theory to Identify Risk Factors and Inform Treatment Among At Risk Populations” – 9/19/2018
Dr. Jeff Boissoneault, “Alcohol Analgesia: From Anecdote to Mechanism” – 10/17/2018
5th Annual Symposium
4/10/2017 – Topic: Marijuana
- Dr. Yasmin Hurd, Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Director, Center for Addictive Disorders, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai – “High Times for Cannabis: Epigenetic and Neurobiological Insights”
- Dr. Alan Budney, Professor, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Center for Technology and Behavioral Health – “Cannabis Addiction? Cannabis as Medicine? What Do We Know and How Do We Communicate It?”
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Richard Yi – “Delay Discounting in Substance Use: Relevance, Assessment, and Analysis” – 1/18/2017
Dr. Michael Sayette, Professor, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, University of Pittsburgh & Carnegie Mellon University – “The Effects of Alcohol on Emotion: Addressing the ‘Social’ Aspect of Social Drinking” – 2/15/2017
Dr. Thomas Yang, “Epigenetic Changes in the Murine Cerebral Cortex in Response to Prenatal Ethanol Exposure: An Update” – 3/15/2017
Dr. Luis Colon-Perez, “Elucidating Bath Salts Changes in Brain Structure and Function Using Diffusion and Functional MRI” – 5/17/2017
Data Blitz – 6/7/2017:
- Ms. Julianne Price, “Differences in HPA dysregulation between black and white alcohol-dependent men”
- Mr. Thomas Cirino, “Characterization of Sigma 1 Receptor (S1R) antagonist CM-304 and its analog, AZ-66: Evaluating novel therapeutics for allodynia and induced pain”
- Ms. Tessa Frohe, “Substance use among people living with HIV who utilize complementary and alternative medicine”
- Ms. Shivani Khan, “Urban, suburban and rural differences in patterns of alcohol, cigarette and marijuana initiation by age among US youth”
- Mr. Joe Lebowitz, “Dopamine transporter activation modulates Kv2.1 clustering and activity”
- Ms. Carly Logan, “Infusion of oxytocin into the nucleus accumbens core decreases cued cocaine seeking and increases extracellular glutamate”
- Dr. Caitlin Orsini, “The dynamic role of the basolateral amygdala in risky decision making”
- Ms. Mirsada Serdarevic, “Emergency department (ED) visits, along with medical doctor (MD) visits, greatly increase odds of prescription (Rx) opioid use”
- Dr. Ben Lewis, Postdoctoral Fellow, “Safety and feasibility of Memantine administration among inpatient treatment-seekers”
- Mr. Peter Hamor, “Sex and estrous cycle effects on the attenuation of cue-primed reinstatement of cocaine-seeking by ceftriaxone”
- Ms. Shelby Blaes, “Regulation of risky decision making by gonadal hormones”
- Ms. Yiyang Liu, “Motives for different patterns and quantities of non-medical use of prescription stimulants”
- Mr. John Shallcross, “Evidence for mGlu5 as a molecular feature of post-traumatic stress disorder”
Dr. Sade Spencer, Department of Neuroscience, Medical University of South Carolina – “The Addiction Synapse: Insights From Novel Models of Addiction and Relapse” – 6/21/2017
Dr. Darshan Singh, Centre for Drug Research, University of Science, Malaysia – “Traditional and Non-traditional Uses of Kratom” – 8/10/2017
Summer Activities Report Seminar – 8/16/2017:
- Mr. Sam Sowell – “Binge ethanol drinking alters oxytocin regulation of reward centers”
- Ms. Meena Manepalli – “In vitro pharmacokinetic studies and method development of MC120”
- Mr. Jonah Harrington
Dr. Roger Papke, “Cracking the Betel Nut: Addressing an Orphan Addiction” – 9/20/2017
Dr. Marek Schwendt, “The Role of mGlu5 Receptors in Cocaine Craving and Post-cocaine Working Memory Deficits” – 10/18/2017
4th Annual Symposium
- Dr. Marisa Roberto, Professor, Committee on the Neurobiology of Addictive Disorders, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA – “Amygdala and CRF in alcohol dependence”
- Dr. J. David Jentsch, Empire Innovation Professor of Psychology (Behavioral Neuroscience), Binghamton University, NY – “Reward, interrupted: Inhibitory control and its relevance to addictions”
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Jay McLaughlin, “Developing Mixed Action Opioid Agonist/Antagonist Cyclic Tetrapeptides as Lower-liability Treatments for Pain and Drug Abuse” – 1/20/2016
Dr. Andrea King, Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Chicago – “Show me the Study: Alcohol Challenge and Longitudinal Methods Merged to Examine Progression of Binge Drinking” – 2/24/2016
Dr. Gonzalo Torres, “New Signaling Mechanisms in the Actions of Amphetamine” – 3/16/2016
Special Seminar – 5/18/2016:
- Mr. Joseph Lebowitz, “Kv2.1 and the Dopamine Transporter Interact in Dopaminergic Neurons”
- Mr. Douglas Miller, “Non-canonical Toxicity on Midbrain Dopamine Neurons by HIV-1 Tat”
Data Blitz – 6/7/2016:
- Dr. Jane Aldrich, “Small Changes in Macrocyclic Tetrapeptide Structure Have Significant Impact on Opioid Activity in vivo”
- Ms. Shantrel Canidate, “A Qualitative Assessment of HIV-Positive Women’s Experiences in a Randomized Clinical Trial to Reduce Drinking”
- Ms. Kaley MacFadyen, “Oxytocin Regulation of Ethanol Intake and Accumbal Glutamate Levels in Mice”
- Ms. Julianne Price, “Alcohol and Age Effects on Inhibitory Control in a Driving Simulator”
- Ms. Danielle Sambo, “Methamphetamine Regulates Firing Activity of Dopamine Neurons via a Calcium-Dependent Potassium Channel”
- Mr. Christian Garcia, “Racial Differences in Telescoping: Investigation in a Treatment-Seeking Sample”
Dr. Joanna Peris, “Optogenetic Stimulation of Oxytocin Receptor-Expressing VTA Neurons, or What My PharmD Students Did On Their Summer Vacation” – 8/17/2016
Dr. Caitlin Orsini, “Neurobiological and Hormonal Contributions to Risky Decision Making” – 9/21/2016
Dr. Marina Wolf, Professor & Chair, Department of Neuroscience, The Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University – “Synaptic Mechanism Maintaining Persistent Cocaine and Methamphetamine Craving” – 11/2/2016
3rd Annual Symposium
- Dr. Linda Spear, SUNY Distinguished Professor & Director, Developmental Exposure to Alcohol Research Center, Binghamton University – “What Animal Models Tell Us About the Causes and Consequences of Adolescent Alcohol Use”
- Dr. Lindsay Squeglia, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina – “Teens, Alcohol and Brain Development: Why It Matters”
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Lori Knackstedt, “Nucleus Accumbens Glutamate Alterations After Chronic Alcohol Self-Administration” – 1/21/2015
Dr. Bin Liu, “Elucidation of the Role of Microglia in Alcohol Neurotoxicity Using Proteomic Approaches and In Vitro Models” – 2/18/2015
Dr. Eric Porges, “MOCA Performance as a Function of GABA in the Context of Aging” – 3/18/2015
Data Blitz – 6/3/2015:
- Dr. Jay McLaughlin, “Exposure to HIV-1 Tat Protein Potentiates the Rewarding Effects of Morphine and Reinstates Extinguished Conditioned Place Preference”
- Ms. Kaley MacFadyen, “Oxytocin Receptor Expression on Dopamine, Glutamate and GABA Neurons of the VTA: A Point of Access for Regulating Ethanol Consumption?”
- Dr. Ben Lewis, “Characterizing Patterns of Alcohol Use and ‘Low-Risk’ Drinking Among Older Adults”
- Ms. Susan D. Chandler, “Behavioral Impulsivity and Time Perspective Predict Different Problem Severity Dimensions Among Untreated Problem Drinkers Attempting Natural Recovery”
- Dr. Kristen Hymel, “A Novel Mixed-Action μ-Opioid Receptor (MOR) Agonist/ δ-Opioid Receptor (DOR) Antagonist Prevents Stress-Induced Reinstatement of Extinguished Cocaine-Seeking Behavior”
- Ms. Lauren A. Hoffman, “Exploring When Alcohol Does Not Hinder Performance: Investigating Moderate Doses in Young Adults”
Dr. Luis Colon Perez, “Comparing MDPV- and Cocaine-Induced Modulation of Resting State Networks” – 8/19/2015
Dr. Matthew Carrigan, “Ancestral ADH4 Enzymes Indicate the Ancestors of Humans, Chimpanzees and Gorillas Adapted to Dietary Ethanol” – 9/16/2015
Dr. Sara Jo Nixon, “Blending basic and applied neuroscience: Pathway to an R21” – 11/19/2015
2nd Annual Symposium
- Dr. Christopher L. Cunningham, Professor, Department of Behavioral Neurosciences, Oregon Health & Sciences University – “Seeking Ethanol Reward”
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Robert Cook, “Design and Implementation of a Randomized Clinical Trial to Reduce Hazardous Drinking in Women with HIV Infection” – 2/19/2014
Dr. Marcelo Febo, “Preclinical fMRI/MRI Research on Addiction: Methods, Results and Directions” – 3/19/2014
Ms. Brittany Butler, “Dopamine Transporter Regulation by Alpha-Synuclein Overexpression” – 5/21/2014
Data Blitz – 6/11/2014:
- Ms. Kaley MacFadyen, “Oxytocin Inhibits Ethanol Intake Possibly via a Direct Effect on Mesolimbic Dopamine Neurons”
- Dr. Drake Morgan, “Effects of Novel Serotonin-2 Modulators on the Locomotor-Stimulating Effects of Oxycodone and Methamphetamine, Alone and in Combination”
- Ms. Lauren Hoffman, “Sex Difference in Moderate Alcohol Effects on Older Adults”
- Mr. Chris Delcher, “Florida’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and Oxycodone-Caused Mortality: A Monthly Time Series Analysis, 2003-2012”
- Dr. Ben Lewis, “Characterizing Sex Differences among Pain Medication Abusers”
Ms. Kristy Shimp, “The Neurocircuitry of Risky Decision Making” – 10/15/2014
Dr. Jay Deng, “MeCP2 interacting with 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in psychostimulant addiction” – 11/12/2014
Ms. Danielle Sambo, “Sigma-1 Receptor Modulation of Methamphetamine-Mediated Dopamine Transporter Activity” – 12/17/2014
1st Annual Symposium
- Dr. Nancy R. Zahniser, Professor, Pharmacology Department, University of Colorado Health Science Center – “Highlights from a Dopamine-Centric Career: The Intrigue of Cocaine and the Dopamine Transporter”
- Dr. Linda P. Dwoskin, College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky – “Discovery of Novel Therapeutics for Methamphetamine Abuse”
Monthly Seminar Series
Dr. Marcelo Febo, “Animal MRI Applications in Addiction Research” – 1/30/2013
Dr. Jay Deng, “Epigenetic Mechanisms of Addiction: MeCP2 Mediates Psychostimulant-Induced Addiction-Like Behaviors” – 2/27/2013
Ms. Kaley MacFadyen, “The Role of Glycine and Glycine Receptors in Ethanol Addiction” – 3/27/13
Mr. Michael La Sala, “The Modulation of Taste and Food Intake Guided Behaviors by Peptide YY Signaling in the Oral Cavity” – 4/24/2013
Dr. Habibeh Khoshbouei, “Sigma-1 Receptor Regulates the Activity of Dopamine Transporter” – 5/29/2013
Dr. Marek Schwendt, “Targeting mGluRs to Fix Impaired Motivation and Cognition in Addiction” – 10/30/2013
Dr. Joanna Peris, “Oxytocin Regulation of Addiction” – 11/20/2013
Dr. Thomas Yang, “Epigenetic Effects of Prenatal Ethanol Exposure: Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Profiling in a Mouse Model for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome” – 12/18/2013
Seminar Series
Mr. James Kasper, “Specific 5‐Ht2c Agonists as a Pharmacotherapy For Alcoholism” – 6/6/2012
Mr. Alfredo Sklar, “Effects of Aging and Alcohol Consumption on Simulated Driving” – 6/20/2012
Dr. Marcelo Febo, “Imaging Cocaine Cue Evoked Brain Activation in Rats” – 7/25/2012
Dr. Lori Knackstedt, “Unique Roles for Dorsal and Ventral Striatum mGluR5 in Extinction Learning and Relapse to Cocaine Seeking” – 11/28/2012
(Note: Seminars/Symposia before 2012 are not listed.)