Things happen—For some people, a disproportionate number of things happen. I am those people. I was swing dancing at a national meeting, missed the catch, fell and slid across the length of the floor on my backside. While attending a hot air balloon show, underwear inched out of the leg of my jeans and I found observers staring down at my foot rather than up. My son tried to pick them up while I denied any recognition thereof. Zoom provides its own challenges, I announced on a national multisite zoom meeting that the proffered proposal was the “stupidest thing ever”. The national PI announced I was not muted. Apparently, there isn’t a limit to the number of “things” that can accrue. Just last week, I attended a dinner hosted by really smart scientists for another really smart scientist. A host insisted on an ice-breaker. I hate ice-breakers. I freeze— INDEED, when asked to identify my favorite band/musician, did I identify, well… anyone even alive? NOPE, in the midst of Metallica, the Beatles and John Legend- I threw in Lawrence Welk (no idea why, seriously). There was an explosion of laughter, then silence (Their thoughts swirling around…OMG what is wrong with her? How old is she? Has she had work done??). I was the first to leave. WELL, I won’t be the first to leave the Annual Symposium events—BTW, they are shaping up nicely! Applications for travel awards exceeded expectations and we have a full complement of panels and posters. Our keynote speakers are exceptional scientists AND attendees registered for our inaugural community networking event include community stakeholders spanning multiple counties (there is still time to register!). While we look forward, inside is full of achievements and programming in the present! This issue is particularly rich in recognitions—check it out and send someone a quick "congrats" note- a small action with great impact. I think I’ve had all the impact my reputation can handle this month. So, until I update my playlist—
Goodnight, goodnight a couple more of the song words… bubbles...bubbles, SJN
Don't forget to register for the 10th Annual UF CARE Symposium, April 17th, 2023. Click below to access the UF CARE website and all the details.
General Registration closes April 3rd, 2023.
In celebrating the 10th Anniversary, we, with the support of the McKnight Brain Institute, are hosting a Pre-Symposium Community Networking Event. This event brings together our statewide collaborators, trainees, and community advocates for food and informal conversation. Our 10th anniversary is a perfect time to celebrate the power of interfacing community needs and scientific effort!
When: Sunday, April 16th, 2023 at 5:30pm-7:30pm with brief comments at 6pm.
Where: The Matheson History Museum (513 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601). The Matheson History Museum is a wonderful venue with bits of history and free parking.
**This event is Open and Free: Please RSVP by April 3rd, 2023**
Watch February's Recorded Seminar
Thank you, Dr. Mercincavage for a great seminar on February 15th AND thank you to all who were able to attend.
If you couldn’t attend, watch her recorded seminar "Experimental Approaches to Evaluate effects of Potential Tobacco Product Regulation" on the UF CARE website, linked below.
March Seminar
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On March 22nd, UF CARE member Dr. Liana Hone will be our seminar presenter. Dr. Hone is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Education and Behavior in the College of Health and Human Performance. Her research focuses on the thorny intersection of alcohol and sexual aggression and more broadly on risk behaviors and the contextual factors that augment or mitigate risk. We look forward to seeing you at 3 p.m. on March 22 (delayed from 15th due to spring break) in Communicore Building: C1-007. We’ll be the folks with the cookies!
UF CARE Podcast Affiliate Episode 20: Amy Alleyne, Department of Pharmacodynamics
UF CARE Affiliate Member Amy Alleyne joins Affiliate podcast host Victor Schneider II for our 20th Affiliate installment of the UF CARE Podcast.
Amy studies the properties of the sigma-1 receptor as it relates to chronic pain and substance use disorder under the tutelage of Dr. Jay McLaughlin (Professor, Department of Pharmacodynamics, College of Pharmacy).
Spring/Summer Travel Awards Closes March 17th Better late than never!
Although a bit delayed- the call for travel awards is now open! Trainees may apply if they are attending a national/international meeting in which they are presenting a poster or giving a talk. Trainee mentors must be members of UF CARE. These funds provide support for travel and/or registration as needed. Awards are up to $750—but remember trainees may be awarded a total of $750/calendar year.
Click below for eligibility requirements and to apply!
UF CARE Faculty Members: Remember that Affiliate membership to UF CARE is available to UF staff members working in addiction science! Staff must be nominated by UF CARE Full Members.
To be eligible, staff members must work in addiction/substance use science either in direct data collection and/or oversight/training/administration with at least a 0.5FTE in substance use/addiction related research. They should have been involved for at least 1 year. Neither general administrative staff nor staff who provide general research services without regard for scientific domain are currently eligible.Although not eligible for UF CARE funding opportunities (e.g., travel awards, dissertation aid awards), staff affiliate members are welcome to participate in UF CARE activities, serve on committees and engage in relevant events (with the approval of their PIs, of course!).Members can nominate their staff by filling out the nomination form linked below:
Jen Bizon, PhD
We are delighted to share the news that UF CARE member, Dr. Jen Bizon has been named to the position of Director, McKnight Brain Institute. Dr. Bizon also serves as the Chair, Department of Neuroscience, COM! Her laboratory conducts cutting-edge research on cognitive aging and developmental concomitants of substance use. The MBI has been a strong supporter of UF CARE—and we look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts! CONGRATS!
Dan Wesson, PhD
We are also proud to announce that Dr. Dan Wesson has not only been named the Assistant Dean for Basic Science Research, COM, but more recently been appointed to the position of Chair, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Dr. Wesson’s work centers on the neuroscience of the olfactory system and the role this system plays in motivated behavior, including substance use. We are also grateful for his commitment to UF CARE where he serves on ad hoc review committees and is a member of the Annual Symposium organizing committee. THANK you and CONGRATS, Dr. Wesson.
Linda Cottler, PhD, MPH, FACE Deans Professor, Department of Epidemiology, PHHP/COM
As the PI for the National Drug Early Warning System (NDEWS), Dr. Cottler leads a team committed to identifying emerging patterns of drug use. Some of this work was highlighted in a recent Washington Post story, which merits reading by all! Click below to read.
Natalie Ebner, PhD Professor, Department of Psychology, CLAS
We congratulate Dr. Natalie Ebner (Professor, Department of Psychology, CLAS) who has been recognized as a Fellow, in the Association of Psychological Science. This is a highly prestigious award reflecting exceptional and sustained scientific achievements.
Barry Setlow, PhD Professor, Department of Psychiatry, COM
Congratulations to Dr. Setlow for receiving the Dr. Mavis Agbandje-McKenna Distinguished Research Mentoring Award from the College of Medicine. Click below to read the story and watch the video about Dr. Setlow's dedication to mentorship.
Jay McLaughlin, PhD Professor, Department of Pharmacodynamics, COP
Dr. McLaughlin’s research program extends beyond substance use. Demonstrating the breadth of his interests, Dr. McLaughlin and his collaborator, Dr. Cudic, are recent recipients of a patent entitled "Cyclic peptides, cyclic peptide conjugates and methods of use thereof". The invention seeks to mitigate drug resistance in proliferation disorders (such as multiple myeloma) by targeting components of the cellular microenvironment.
Jalie Tucker, PhD, MPH Professor, Department of Health Education & Behavior, HHP
Dr. Tucker recently co-edited a special issue of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, published in February, 2023. The volume is entitled “Addictive Behavior as Behavioral Allocation.” The special issue curates conceptual, quantitative, and empirical work drawing from the research of Howard Rachlin, a pioneer in the field. In addition to Dr. Tucker, other current/previous UF CARE members authoring articles in the issue include Drs. Cheong, Rung, Gebru, and Lindstrom.
Courtney Wilkinson: F31- NIDA
Courtney has been awarded a 3 year Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award F31 from NIDA! The project is titled “Oxytocin regulation of intravenous oxycodone demand: a role for nucleus accumbens.” The faculty mentor/sponsor for the award is Dr. Lori Knackstedt, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, CLAS. These awards are highly competitive and we congratulate Courtney and her mentor!!
Javier Mesa: SfN Select Committee
Congratulations also to Javier Mesa! Javier has been selected as one of only 10 members for SfN’s National 2023 Class of Early Career Policy Ambassadors—being a part of this group provides a wonderful opportunity for networking and a unique perspective on the role and impact of our science. Congrats to Javier and his mentor, Dr. Lori Knackstedt!
Spring semesters hold special significance for many of our trainees. Some examples are presented here
Victor Schneider
Victor is a PhD student in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology (PHHP). His research mentor is Dr. Jeff Boissoneault, whose lab explores the interaction of pain and alcohol use. We’re pleased to announce that Victor will be completing his internship at his first choice, The VA Connecticut Healthcare System!
Cassandra Modrak
Cassandra successfully completed her qualifying exam and advanced to PhD Candidacy! She is training in the laboratory of Dr. Marek Schwendt with additional mentorship from Dr. Lori Knackstedt, both in the Department of Psychology, CLAS.
Amy Alleyne
Amy has not only completed a recent affiliate podcast, but is also occupied with preparing for her Thesis defense! The title of her thesis is A Mechanistic Interrogation of the Sigma-1 Receptor as a Potential Treatment for Psychostimulant Use Disorder and she defended on March 10th. Good Luck, Amy!
Congratulations to the new affiliate members!
Congratulations to our new affiliate members!We are excited to welcome 5 new trainees as affiliate members: Alexandra Sanchez and Cassidy Jones-Goucher are graduate students working with Dr. Lori Knackstedt in the Department of Psychology, and Ariana Figueroa is a graduate student working with Dr. Bin Liu in the Department of Pharmacodynamics. Shane Davis is an undergraduate student working with Dr. Lori Knackstedt in the Department of Psychology, and Anamaria Cotelo-Larrea is an undergraduate student in the Department of Psychology working with Dr. Dan Wesson.If you are a UF CARE faculty member and are working with outstanding trainees in addiction science, click below to nominate them for membership.
Postdoctoral Position: Dr. Lisa Merlo, UF Department of Psychiatry
A postdoctoral research position is available in the UF Department of Psychiatry with Dr. Lisa Merlo. Dr. Merlo serves as the Director of Research for the Florida impaired practitioners monitoring program, as well as the Director of Wellness Programs for the University of Florida College of Medicine. Research areas include wellbeing, distress, and potentially-impairing conditions (e.g., substance use disorders, psychiatric disorders) among physicians, as well as other healthcare professionals and trainees. Click below to apply.
Postdoctoral Position: Dr. Amanda Elton, UF Department of Psychiatry
A postdoctoral research position is currently available in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Florida with Dr. Amanda Elton. Research areas include fMRI-based investigations of cognitive neuroscience, risk and resilience mechanisms in the development of psychopathology, and longitudinal development of substance use. The position will involve analysis of data from ongoing studies and large-scale public datasets and will also offers opportunities to be involved in the development of new projects. The successful applicant will conduct statistical analyses independently and in collaborations, author peer-reviewed publications, and present findings at scientific conferences.
Postdoctoral Position: Dr. Stephanie Gorka, Ohio State University, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Dr. Gorka, an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to join her lab for a 2-year term. Dr. Gorka has several active NIH-funded studies examining how stress reactivity relates to alcohol use disorder and its treatment. The fellow will also have opportunities for mentorship and collaboration with other Ohio State faculty, including Dr. K. Luan Phan. Applicants will be PhD or MD post-doctoral candidates interested in developing the skills and experience needed to become independent researchers. Ideal candidates will have experience in neuroimaging, EEG, and/or startle eyeblink potentiation. US citizenship is required.
Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and statement of research interests to Dr. Gorka (Stephanie.Gorka@osumc.edu). Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and the start date is flexible but anticipated by August, 2023
Cheong, J., Rung, J. M., & Tucker, J. A. (2023). Bidirectional prospective associations between behavioral economic indicators and drinking patterns during alcohol use disorder natural recovery attempts. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 37(1), 104–113. https://doi.org/10.1037/adb0000859
Faouzi, A., Wang, H., Zaidi, S.A., DiBerto, J.F., Che, T., Qu, Q., Robertson, M.J., Madasu, M., El-Daibani, A.E., Varga, B.R., Zhang, T., Ruiz, C., Liu, S., Xu, J., Appourchaux, K., Slocum, S.T., Eans, S.O., Cameron, M.D., Al-Hasani, R., Pan, Y.X., Roth, B.L., McLaughlin, J.P., Skiniotis, G., Katritch, V., Kobilka, B.K., Majumdar, S. (2023) Structure-based design of bitopic ligands for the μ-opioid receptor. Nature. 613(7945): 767-774. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05588-y. PMID:36450356.
Gebru, N. M., Jones, D. N., Murphy, J. G., & Joyner, K. J. (2023). A hypothetical lottery task to assess relative resource allocation toward alcohol and cannabis. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 37(1), 144–155. https://doi.org/10.1037/adb0000888
Hone, L.S.E., Testa, M. & Wang, W. (2023). It’s not just drinking, but where you drink: A daily diary study of drinking venue effects on sexual activity with new partners. Addictive Behaviors, 140. 10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107607
Lindstrom, K. N., Tucker, J. A., & McVay, M. (2023). Nudges and choice architecture to promote healthy food purchases in adults: A systematized review. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 37(1), 87–103. https://doi.org/10.1037/adb0000892
Rayala, R., Tiller, A., Majumdar, S.A., Stacy, H.M., Eans, S.O., Nedovic, A., McLaughlin, J.P., Cudic, P. (2023). Solid-phase synthesis of the bicyclic peptide OL-CTOP containing two disulfide bridges, and assessment of its in vivo μ-opioid receptor antagonism after nasal administration. Molecules (themed issue: “Synthesis and application of opioids;” Fürst and Mahmoud, editors). 28: 1822-1840. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28041822.
Tucker, J. A., Buscemi, J., Murphy, J. G., Reed, D. D., & Vuchinich, R. E. (2023). Addictive behavior as molar behavioral allocation: Distinguishing efficient and final causes in translational research and practice. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 37(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1037/adb0000845
*Underline denotes UF CARE members and affiliate
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If you are a UF Faculty member working in addiction science and would like to join UF CARE, click below for more information about becoming a full member of UF CARE.
Have news to share?
Have updates you'd like to be included in the next UF CARE newsletter? Click below to share news about you and/or your affiliate trainees!
We're Hiring!
The Department of Psychiatry is seeking a dynamic individual with demonstrated potential for cutting-edge clinical research and a strong publication record in the area of addiction science. Click below to learn more.