Tis the season to be “jolly”, “hopeful” or even “happy… right? Really? In case you missed it, there is an overabundance of domestic and international conflicts, fires, storms, bad drivers and bad travelers...it’s a mess. A mess exacerbated by: 1) “Monk” reruns have been replaced with Hallmark Holiday Movies- [where do they find those make-up artists and set designers], 2) Shopping therapy yielded a massive box of chocolates (YAY)- opening them I found EVERY piece had been nibbled, likely that kid with the OU sweatshirt. [My sister did that once, blamed it on the neighbor kid.] 3) The dog is unhappy because I’m useless with this sling; and let’s just say it, 4) it’s been a disappointing football season- (so uninspiring that we tuned into the FSU game on the WRONG night…you think I joke??). Upshot is that I traded my Elf Suit (yes, I have one) for the Grinch (it fits perfectly). In that state of mind, partially offset by the support of our executive committee, I’d submitted a request for funds to enhance the Annual Symposium (April 17) through the McKnight Brain Institute. Bleh Bleh…what’s a Grinch to lose? Only days later, while nibbling on the safe side of the chocolates and wallowing in self-pity, my phone rings with that ridiculous sleigh-bell tone I had intended to delete. THEN---what to my listening ears did I hear but…“ YOU GOT THE MONEY. NOW GO IN GOOD CHEER”. WHAT?? Suddenly the ring tone was not so annoying. Yes, SJN, there is a Santa! Why such glee? These funds permit us to provide travel awards for participants from across the state, to extend programming with science panels as platforms for cutting-edge research, and to conduct a community engagement/networking event- each consistent with leveraging the strengths of addiction science across the state. As you review our growth, give thought to new opportunities and send us your ideas. Finally, before signing off for 2022—thank you for your commitment to science and your commitment to UF CARE. Your efforts are the foundation on which we can build.
Happy Holidays- SJN
PS: Enormous gratitude and special holiday cheer to the MBI Elves! PPS: Admire original etchings inside. PPSS: Where do you think I stashed that Elf Suit? This Grinch one is itchy.
This year’s annual symposium brings exciting opportunities provided through the MBI’s commitment to support emerging UF-related conferences. These funds permit expanded programming and promote more effective collaboration with our colleagues across the state. We are retaining the poster sessions, keynote addresses and career roundtables, while adding symposia/panel presentations, events to expand community outreach, and providing a limited number of travel awards. Submission requirements and details are NOW available on our website. The submission portal will open January 9, 2023 through the UF CARE website. Because it’s not too early to organize your panel and posters, here’s some general guidance:
Panel/symposia Guidelines:
We are inviting submissions for panels of 3-4 short talks focused on all aspects of substance use and addiction science. Panels are expected to be 75 minutes in length. Science ranging from molecular neuroscience to clinical interventions is welcome. Panels should represent both cutting-edge science and professional development opportunities. While data may have been discussed in other settings, presentations should reflect additional analyses and re-envisioned interpretation with attention directed to their potential relevance to individuals/communities. Priority will be given to those submissions that include BOTH faculty AND trainees, as well as to those that include speakers from more than one institution.
Poster Submissions:
The poster session is designed to highlight the efforts of trainees. Presenters have the option of competing for cash awards provided through the North-Central Society for Neuroscience.
Travel awards:
A limited number of travel awards (up to $300.00/each) are available for trainees and postdoctoral fellows from institutions outside of Gainesville who are presenting in either a panel or are the presenting author on a poster.
Watch November's Recorded Seminar
THANK YOU, Dr. Ellen Yeung for a great seminar on November 16th. AND thanks to all who were able to attend.
If you couldn’t attend, watch her recorded seminar "Comorbidity of Alcohol Use Disorder and Pain" on the UF CARE website, linked below.
January Seminar
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We won’t host a seminar in December, but are eager to welcome Dr. Yarimar Carasquillo on January 18th, 2023. Dr. Carasquillo is an Investigator in NIH's National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCIH). She directs a multifaceted, multidisciplinary research program that focuses on delineating the anatomic, molecular and cellular mechanism that underlie pain perception and modulation. Dr. Carasquills’s seminar will be presented via ZOOM—watch for the flyer in early January!
UF CARE Faculty Members: Remember that Affiliate membership to UF CARE is now available to UF staff members working in addiction science! Staff must be nominated by UF CARE Full Members. To be eligible, staff members must work in addiction/substance use science either in direct data collection and/or oversight/training/administration with at least a 0.5FTE in substance use/addiction related research. They should have been involved for at least 1 year. Neither general administrative staff nor staff who provide general research services without regard for scientific domain are currently eligible.Although not eligible for UF CARE funding opportunities (e.g., travel awards, dissertation aid awards), staff affiliate members are welcome to participate in UF CARE activities, serve on committees and engage in relevant events (with the approval of their PIs, of course!).Members can nominate their staff by filling out the nomination form linked below:
Catalina Lopez-Quintero, PhD, MD, MPH
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UF CARE is proud to announce that Dr. Catalina Lopez-Quintero received the National Award of Excellence in Research by a New Investigator National Hispanic Science Network meeting. This award recognizes new investigators for outstanding research and/or publication in the field of Hispanic drug abuse.Congratulations, Dr. Lopez-Quintero!
Courtney Wilkinson
UF CARE affiliate member Courtney Wilkinson passed her qualifying exam! Her committee members are UF CARE members Drs. Lori Knackstedt (committee chair), Marek Schwendt, Barry Setlow, Meredith Berry and Jesse Dallery. Congratulations, Courtney!
Andrew Moore
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Congratulations to Andrew Moore who also passed his qualifying exams this month! His committee members include UF CARE members Drs. Sara Jo Nixon (chair) and Ben Lewis as well as Dr. Sara Burke (Neuroscience) and Dr. Andreas Keil (Psychology).
Sabrina Zequeira
Congratulations to UF CARE affiliate member Sabrina Zequeira for winning 1st place in the 2022 UF Graduate School Three Minute Thesis Competition! You can click below to watch here presentation "Effects of Cannabis on Cognition in Aging".
Travel Award Winners
Congratulations to our Fall 2022 travel award winners!
Amy Alleyne; Department of Pharmacodynamics; Mentor: Dr. Jay McLaughlin; Meeting: Society for Neuroscience
Dr. Christian Garcia; Department of Psychiatry; Mentor: Dr. Sara Jo Nixon; Meeting: American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Emely Gazarov; Department of Neuroscience; Mentor: Dr. Barry Setlow; Meeting: Society for Neuroscience
Natalie Johnson; Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics; Mentor: Dr. Daniel Wesson; Meeting: Winter Conference on Brain Research
Yuma Ortiz; Department of Pharmacodynamics; Mentor: Dr. Christopher McCurdy; Meeting: Society for Neuroscience
Courtney Wilkinson; Department of Psychology; Mentor: Dr. Lori Knackstedt; Meeting: Winter Conference on Brain Research
A huge thank you to our travel award reviewers, Drs. Marieta Heaton and Catalina Lopez-Quintero!
Congratulations to the new affiliate member!
Congratulations to our new affiliate member!We are excited to welcome a new graduate trainee and three new undergraduate trainees as affiliate members: Harrison Blount is a graduate student working with Dr. Marek Schwendt in the Department of Psychology. Madison Halcomb is an undergraduate trainee working on a inter-departmental project with Drs. Barry Setlow (Psychiatry), Lori Knackstedt (Psychology), and Linda Cottler (Epidemiology). Melissa Castellano and Corey Miller are undergraduate trainees working in . Dr. Sara Jo Nixon’s laboratory (Psychiatry)..If you are a UF CARE faculty member and are working with outstanding trainees in addiction science, click below to nominate them for membership.
Austin-Datta RJ, Chaudhari PV, Cheng TD, Klarenberg G, Striley CW, Cottler LB. Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) use Among Members of a Community Engagement Program. J Community Health. 2022 Nov 27:1–9. doi: 10.1007/s10900-022-01169-2. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36436165; PMCID: PMC9702843.
Boullosa CC, Vaddiparti K, Lopez-Quintero C, Varma DS, Cook RL. Clinical Decision Making by Medical Marijuana Physicians in Florida: A Qualitative Assessment. Subst Use Misuse. 2022 Oct 28:1-11. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2022.2129995. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36305815.
Falise AM, Hoeflich CC, Nutley SK, Lopez-Quintero C, Striley CW. Polysubstance use profiles among US adults using Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): A latent class analysis using The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Am J Addict. 2022 Oct 12. doi: 10.1111/ajad.13345. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36222599.
Hai AH, Oh S, Lopez-Quintero C, Lee CS, Kelly JF, Vaughn MG, Salas-Wright CP. Mutual Help Group Participation for Alcohol and Drug Problems: Uncovering Latent Subgroups. Subst Use Misuse. 2022;57(13):2009-2014. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2022.2125276. Epub 2022 Sep 23. PMID: 36149389.
Johnson ME, Lloyd SL, Bristol SC, Elliott AL, Cottler LB. Black girls and referrals: racial and gender disparities in self-reported referral to substance use disorder assessment among justice-involved children. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2022 Oct 14;17(1):68. doi: 10.1186/s13011-022-00462-6. PMID: 36242056; PMCID: PMC9569097.Palamar JJ, Fitzgerald ND, Grundy DJ, Black JC, Jewell JS, Cottler LB. Characteristics of poisonings involving ketamine in the United States, 2019-2021. J Psychopharmacol. 2022 Dec 7:2698811221140006. doi: 10.1177/02698811221140006. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36475433.
*Underline denotes UF CARE members and affiliates
Not yet a member?
If you are a UF Faculty member working in addiction science and would like to join UF CARE, click below for more information about becoming a full member of UF CARE.
Have news to share?
Have updates you'd like to be included in the next UF CARE newsletter? Click below to share news about you and/or your affiliate trainees!
We're Hiring!
The Department of Psychiatry is seeking a dynamic individual with demonstrated potential for cutting-edge clinical research and a strong publication record in the area of addiction science. Click below to learn more.