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Affiliate Members

Affiliate Members

If you need to update or confirm your Affiliate status, please Contact Us. Nominate a trainee to become an Affiliate Member.   Laboratory of Dr. Meredith Berry – HEB Andrea Vasquez; Graduate Affiliate Laboratory of Dr. Adriaan Bruijnzeel – Psychiatry Dr.

UF CARE Podcast Affiliate Episode 14: Carolin Hoeflich, Department of Epidemiology UF CARE Affiliate Member Carolin Hoeflich joins Affiliate  podcast host Victor Schneider for our 14th Affiliate installment of the UF CARE Podcast. Carolin is in her second year as a predoctoral fellowship through the NIDA T32 Training Program under the mentorship of Catherine L Striley, PhD,…

UF CARE Podcast Affiliate Episode 13: Dr. Marilyn Horta, Department of Psychology UF CARE Affiliate Member Marilyn Horta, Ph.D. joins Affiliate  podcast host Victor Schneider for our 13th Affiliate installment of the UF CARE Podcast. Dr. Horta is in her second year as postdoctoral through the NIDA T32 Training Program under the mentorship of Dr. Roger Fillingim. –…