Posts tagged as

Samantha Rakela

UF CARE Podcast Affiliate Episode 19: Samantha Rakela, Department of Pharmacodynamics

UF CARE Affiliate Member Samantha Rakela joins Affiliate podcast host Victor Schneider for our 19th Affiliate installment of the UF CARE Podcast. Samantha is a 3rd year graduate student in the Department of Pharmacodynamics in the lab of Dr. Brandon Warren.…

UF CARE Seminar: 2022 Spring DataBlitz

Join us 3:00 PM, June 1, 2022 as the UF CARE Spring/Summer 2022 Travel Awardees provide 5-minute presentations of their abstracts they will be presenting at national/international meetings. Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 924 2934 1850Passcode: 631582…