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UF CARE Podcast Affiliate Episode 17: Nicole Fitzgerald, Department of Epidemiology UF CARE Affiliate Member Nicole Fitzgerald joins Affiliate podcast host Victor Schneider for our 17th Affiliate installment of the UF CARE Podcast. Nicole is in her second year as a predoctoral fellow through the NIDA T32 Training Program under the mentorship of Linda B Cottler, PhD,…

UF CARE Reaching Our National Audience: CPA 2019, Providence, RI, April 4-6

UF CARE and the UF Departments of Psychiatry, Health Education & Behavior, and Epidemiology serve as co-sponsors for the Annual National meeting of the Society of Addiction Psychology: Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction (CPA) in Providence, RI, April 4-6, disseminating information concerning UF’s addiction science and education programs. The…